Friday, July 11, 2008

Macy had a good year....

Here is Macy standing next to her Andy Warhol inspired self-portrait that was
picked to be represented at her school's art show (only 50 pieces were picked out
of the whole school).
The 3rd place ribbon she won for above self portrait
Another color drawing she did in art class, I loved this one so much, I framed it.
The award she won for running the one mile race....she looks happy doesn't she?
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July 4th, 2008

This was our lazy 4th of July morning at the pool....

......swimming, swimming, and more swimming!
Jason and Macy were playing with their water shooters. Yes, we don't even allow squirt guns
into the house. These shooters are a big circle shape. Though the sound effects Vince uses while
playing with it, you would think he was holding a glock.
Nothing more attractive than Macy with her rainbow goggles!
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