Friday, February 2, 2007

It Snowed!

Well here is the first and probably last photo of Vince and snow. It actually snowed yesterday! Yes, it only lasted about an hour and wasn't even enough to cover the whole ground, but I figured I should stick Vince outside and see what he thought. All he said was "cold" and then asked to go inside....that's my boy! Here are some more photos of us at Virginia Beach on Saturday also.

Wonderful Weekend...with Mom!

My Mom (aka...Grandma Harrison), came to visit this past weekend because Macy had a four day weekend. They went shopping, out to eat, and saw the movie Happy Feet. On Saturday, we were given the precious gift of nice weather and took a drive down to Virginia Beach. The temp was in the 60's and the sky was beautiful! The strong winds did blow some sand into our eyes (bothered Vince the most), but they did love running in the sand. We had a great lunch of crab cake sandwiches (thanks to my dad!) and Macy saved all the chips from her lunch to feed to the seagulls.