Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Okay, I just wanted to share these photos with you guys. The first one is Macy and when I looked at the photo, I just realized how old she really is and then it makes you think of the old adage "time flies". She now has a very defined face, no longer the baby fat that she even still had 6 months ago. We took this photo so that she could upload to her virtual makeover game where she changes her hairstyle and adds makeup. I will try to post some of her favorite looks!

The ones of Vince are just funny. These were from a couple of weeks ago. I hear him yelling "Mommy, help me!" and run in to find this! He had stepped backwards and fell into this huge cooking pot (why it was sitting in the computer room is beyond me!). Of course, me being the mean mother, I had to grab my camera before I saved him!

Anyways, so far, this year has been successful! Macy is currently selling Girl Scout cookies for her Brownie troop, and as of Monday night, she has sold the most.....232 boxes! Many thanks should really go to Jason, who actually sold them! She earned a stripe on her karate belt for breaking boards which made her very proud...even though she is still only a white belt and isn't ready for testing yet. Vincent is very sloooooowly learning how to use the potty. He has had a couple BM's in it, but has yet to recognize the feeling that he is about to wet himself in time to tell me. Jason is back at work at William & Mary after a nice loooong break of six weeks. We joined the new YMCA and will hopefully all be able to keep our new years resolutions of getting fit in a few weeks when the facility actually opens.

New Year!