Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well this feels really strange. It is Wednesday (day before Turkey Day). Macy was supposed to have a half day at school today, but I let her stay home (I had talked to her teacher last night and she said that they weren't doing any learning activities today). I told her we could put up the Christmas Tree today, as we usually do it Thanksgiving weekend, but we will be at my in-laws all weekend (seems I keep pushing it earlier and earlier each year....I LOVE XMAS!). The strange part is that it is completely sunny and in the 70's! It is supposed to be about 77 degrees today. I just opened all the windows. So instead our old Michigan tradition of playing Bing Crosby Christmas music while decorating the tree, we are here with a wonderful little breeze blowing in, the sun shining through the windows, and the sound of lawn mowers and the guy across the street washing his car!! Strange.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15th, 2007

Okay, I really have been slacking at the blog. I keep telling myself as soon as I get a new camera, I will do it, but in reality, I think I am only a "once a month" blogger.

I promised I would comment on scary skeleton costumes (well Vince ended up not wearing his skeleton mask, which I thought was too scary for a two year old), so that was a relief. We went the traditional halloween costume way this year, with Vince being a skeleton and Macy being a non scary witch. Tons of candy, though it is suprising how fast all the chocolate can disappear from the candy bowl, when I am home all day! Yum!

Macy has been invited by the school district to test for their Gifted and Talented program. Is she excited? NO! She thinks it will mean more work for her to do, and as intelligent as she is, she also hates homework! Oh well, I was proud, though I doubt the Gifted and Talented for second graders is filled with MENSA students.

Vincent's birthday is today. He is three years old. I just emailed Kelly and was commenting on how I feel melancholy today as I realize I am the mother of a seven and three year old and no longer have any "babies". I thought I would be geeked the day I no longer had to buy diapers and when my kids learned how to buckle themselves in their car seats, alas, I am not jumping with joy today. Vince is still my little baby and always will be (though I feel I need to keep that more to myself or else I will be babying him). I am very proud of how both of my kiddos have grown, and I will continue to enjoy their growth and how much more they will learn....I guess I will just miss the craddling them in my arms a little bit.

Anyways we celebrated Vincey's birthday this past weekend when my parents came into town to visit. Vince had a few of his friends over for cake and he received some awesome gifts. The best gift we gave him was a micro mini scooter which I was stokked about, and had tried to justify to myself that the $90 model was so much better than the typical $25 ones, only to find that Vince just isn't into it. Oh well. I will make him go outside and try it everyday until he loves it!!! (Nothing like forcing something on a kid, eh?).