Monday, December 18, 2006

Macy Brag!!

Okay, I am going to start out today by wishing my dad and grandpa "HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!"! Both big years for each of them (60 and 90 respectively)!! Then I am going to say that this week has been awful for illness at our house. Macy and Vince went to the doctor's today only to get sent to the hospital so that Vince could get chest x-rays done. Turns out that Macy has bronchitis and Vince has pneumonia. At least they are still in good moods!

Okay, now onto bragging about Macy. She really does impress me daily (this has been going on since the day she was born). She is in first grade now, has brought home excellent report cards since her school career started, is in the top reading group in her class (which only has 4 students in it) and is at the highest level of reading in her whole class. Has only missed one spelling word all year and receives praises everytime I see her teacher. Though great in reading, the whole math/science/geography is what she is more interested in. She is still the budding artist and this past weekend announced that she wants to be an artist of animals when she is grown up. When asked what an artist of animals does, she said "paints animals, of course!" and then included examples such as an illustrator for encyclopedias and other books in which animals would need to be painted. She is still taking swim lessons and karate lessons, though she keeps saying she would love to sign up for gymanstics......again. She has also joined the Brownies (first and second grade Girl Scouts) this year. Tonight was her big ceremony in which she received her Brownie pin. Sorry the photos are grainy, I didn't realize until I got home that the flash wasn't working!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Friday, December 1, 2006

Knitting and Mice (my complaints...for today)

Okay, here are my complaints for today...December 1st, 2006! Knitting and Mice. I will start with the knitting, since it is a short one. I learned how to knit in April and since then have taught five other women how to do it. They all say I am an excellent beginner teacher ("beginner" because I have yet to master any stitches beyond "knit" and "purl" (and still am not sure if I have the "purl" down)). My complaint is that I have seen some of the projects that these other girls have completed and they look great. My projects....never completed! I have started a couple, but not one has gotten any longer than a potholder! Am I allowed for one of my New Year's resolutions to put down ...."To finish one knitting project"? NOTE: Vincent just pushed a bunch of keys on the keyboard and now it is writing in italics and I can't figure out how to go back.
Well, I am going to set a goal for myself today, the first of December is somewhat like the first of January, and make Macy a scarf for Christmas. Wish me luck!
Complaint number two: Mice. I have them in my kitchen. Not the one little mouse who sometimes finds their way into your house accidently, but a family of them who are living in the perimeters of my house and come in at nighttime. I have been doing research online as how to get rid of them. This started out because I was scared of them, but the desire to rid my kitchen of them is now pure REVENGE! I recently went to the store and invested some well earned money into an arsenal of mouse traps (not the snap kind, but the tunnel ones so that you can't see their bodies.....yes the ones that break their necks (I am very against animal cruelty, but mice don't count in my book!)), a plug in thing that emits high frequency waves that drive the mouse crazy, and a bag of cotton balls and Oil of Peppermint (read that you put out plates of cotton balls with the Peppermint on it and it drives the buggers crazy). Well for two days I have yet to seen any evidence of mice! I hope it works!
NOTE: I thought the Peppermint Oil would make my kitchen smell nice and christmasy for the holidays, but now the smell is even driving me crazy!